Health & Fitness

is running while pregnant safe?

Is Running While Pregnant Safe?

Many expectant mothers find themselves asking the question "is running while pregnant safe?" If you've been running, continuing to run is generally safe as your body is used to the demands and impact forces. But  Read Full Article...

Depression During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

While many women are aware of postpartum depression, little is often said about depression during pregnancy. Some women might think the fatigue, mood changes, or changes in appetite they have during pregnancy are normal symptoms.  Read Full Article...

Nicotine during pregnancy could lead to fussy newborn

Almost every woman knows that quitting smoking is one of the best things she can do for her unborn child. And now, a popular smoking-cessation aid has come under scrutiny. According to a study initially  Read Full Article...

Most Common Prenatal Tests

Prenatal testing sort of starts with peeing on a stick to find out whether you're pregnant. Once you get that positive test, a few other tests will come along via your ob/gyn. While more involved  Read Full Article...

5 Tips for Dealing with Housework & First-Trimester Fatigue

Feeling tired at the beginning of your pregnancy is a gross understatement. For the first few months, many women feel so drained and exhausted that they struggle to complete even the basic tasks needed to  Read Full Article...

PGD Testing

Gender Selection with PGD: Science Vs. Old Wives Tales

Families have been passing down old wives tales regarding the sex of a baby as long as humans have been conceiving. It is fun to try to guess whether the unborn baby is a boy  Read Full Article...

Soy Safety in Pregnancy

For people who watch what they eat, soy can be a staple in their diets because it is versatile, inexpensive and contains valuable nutrients. While the question of soy safety before, during and after pregnancy  Read Full Article...

Deli Meats & Pregnancy

Deli and packaged meats are the epitome in convenience food"”tasty and available in a wide variety of low-fat, low-sodium options. All-natural and organic labels make them even more attractive. The down side of deli meats  Read Full Article...

Vaccinations During Pregnancy: What is Safe?

Vaccination during pregnancy is not typically the first topic that comes to mind when a woman is pregnant or trying to conceive. Depending on her age, where she lives in the world and whether she  Read Full Article...