Find Fun Activities for Mommy and Baby

According to Kristin, “At my story time, the babies are all over the place, some sit on their mommy’s lap, some crawl and some walk around.  There is always one token child each week who sits there perfectly and listens to the story, and answers all the questions correctly… and the other moms like me keep going hoping just once our kid with be that child!”

Make Your Own Mommy/Baby Activities

And if you don’t have any Mommy/baby activities in your area, do what Kristin did. She got a local gym to start a Mommy/baby fitness class because there wasn’t one close enough.  “We start with a few songs, the same ones every week to dance and get the wiggles out. The moms do it with the kids. Then we read a story about the theme of the week, then we do a craft that is toddler friendly relating to the theme, then we let the kids run around the room climbing on kid tumbling toys (imagine giant cheese wedges, soft blocks that make steps, and tunnels to crawl through) with music playing,” she said.

If you and your baby are up for it, participating in Mommy/baby activities are a great way to get out there, get active and meet new people!

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