Find Fun Activities for Mommy and Baby

When My Daughter was a Baby

A few years ago, when my daughter was a baby I had the day off of work to take her to a mid-day doctor appointment. Since it was quality time that I, as a working mom, rarely got to spend with her, I took her to our local library for story time. I had no experience with Mommy/baby activities, but I wanted to give it a try.

Jennifer MacNiven Photography - Braverns Little Bookworms

Upon entering, I found children of varying ages (this one was for 6 months ““ 2 years). I had heard good things about classes like this from my mom friends. They sing, read stories, maybe do a craft or two. Since my daughter was well under a year old, I sat on the floor with her on my lap while I watched other moms try to wrangle their toddlers, get their babies to participate and look like they  were enjoying it at the same time.

My daughter sat still for 2 minutes before she started squirming and soon began to whine. I took the cue of another mother whose baby was doing the same thing and made a graceful exit before they even started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Since my only experience was not positive and most Mommy/baby activities in my area occur during my work hours, I never tried another one of these activates again.

Kristen Loves Mommy/Baby Activities

However, my friend Kristen LOVES participating in Mommy/baby activities. She’s another mom of 3, but she stays at home with her kids. Mommy/baby activities give her something to do, although she recommends waiting until your baby can really participate to go.

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