Fathers Day Gift Ideas From the Preschooler
When it comes to fathers day gift ideas from kids, perhaps none is more classic than a hand-decorated mug. Your preschooler is at the perfect age for finger painting ““ give him/her the perfect canvas and unleash them on a white coffee mug. If abstract art isn’t quite your guy’s thing, make the mug a bit more structured ““ all you need is a white mug, three colors of enamel paint, and either an enamel pen or thin-point paint brush.
Paint one of your child’s thumbs and another finger, each in a different color ““ then press them to the mug about an inch apart. Use the pen or paintbrush and third color to draw on some stick legs and hair, as well as an arm leading from the larger print to the smaller print. Then letter “Daddy & me” onto the mug. Bake the mug in the oven in accordance with the instructions on the paint bottle.

Fathers Day Gift Ideas From the Early Elementary Schooler
Bring their inner Picasso to life with a hand-drawn picture of them and dad. Take it to the next level by making a custom puzzle picture frame. Let your son/daughter pick out two-four paint colors ““ then, together paint old puzzle pieces. Once dry, help your child to glue the pieces together in a 4×6″ or 5×7″ rectangle to make a frame. Frame the hand-drawn portrait and have your child write a note to dad on the back.
Coming up with father’s day gift ideas from kids doesn’t have to be impossible. Make this year’s gifting a fun bonding experience with your little one. Happy father’s day!