What You Need To Know: Getting A Flu Shot During Pregnancy

Some women report mild side effects after getting the flu shot, including soreness in the arm, redness and swelling, headache, fever, fatigue or nausea.

The flu shot is reformulated each year depending on which strain researchers project will be responsible for the coming flu season. The flu shot for the coming year, 2011 to 2012, contains protection against both the seasonal flu and the swine flu (H1N1) strains.

Go Straight to the Doctor

If you do get sick with flu-like symptoms, make sure to speak with your doctor right away. The doctor can prescribe medication to help minimize the effects of the flu. Having a severe infection, and especially a fever, during pregnancy can cause birth defects or other complications. If you develop a fever, take Tylenol or acetaminophen immediately and call your physician promptly.

Besides getting a flu shot, make sure to practice good infection control like washing your hands and avoiding people who are sick. Even if you don’t normally, consider getting a flu shot during pregnancy to protect your unborn baby.

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