Infertility affects one in eight couples, according to the American Fertility Association. The good news is, with diagnosis and treatment two-thirds of those couples will successfully conceive. If you are concerned about your ability to conceive, here are 10 tips for infertility help.
Infertility Help: 10 Tips to Keep You Fertile
1. Clean up your diet. While many of the so-called fertility foods won’t help you get pregnant, focusing on eating more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains will help your body run more efficiently. It can also help you lose weight if you need to drop a few pounds.

2. Start exercising. It’s been shown that regular mild to moderate exercise can be beneficial for many reasons. Weight loss, better sleep and stress relief can result from regular activity. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership; taking long walks around the neighborhood can be just as effective.
3. Develop a stress-management plan. Though studies are inconclusive on the role that stress plays in infertility, finding effective ways to manage stress is essential for your health and well-being. Some well-known and helpful techniques include yoga, massages and writing in a journal.
4. Learn about your body. Understanding how ovulation and reproduction work is imperative. While it seems like having sex should be enough to get pregnant, certain days in a woman’s menstrual cycle can optimize your chances for conception.
5. Do your homework. If you pursue infertility treatments, read up on your diagnosis and the various treatment options. Becoming an educated patient and consumer can help you have a more meaningful relationship with your doctor and better treatment experience.
6. Don’t hesitate to seek help. Women over age 35 have significant declines in their fertility. While the general rule is to see the doctor if you’ve been unsuccessfully trying for a year, women over age 35 should see their doctors for infertility help after 6 months of unsuccessfully trying. Putting off treatment too long can dramatically decrease your chances of success.