5 Ways to Survive Pregnancy with a Toddler in Tow

5) Involve the Toddler
Toddlers love helping out. Find ways that your toddler can help, and you may find that this alleviates many excuses for battles with them. When setting the table they can carry one fork at a time to set the place settings. They can help you put laundry away or collect toys off the floor. You can even make a game out of it, and have fun while doing chores!

6) Don’t Expect Too Much from Your Toddler
Remember that your toddler is young. Though they may get into heaps of trouble, they can’t understand “time out” or trying to make them feel guilty for their actions. No matter how anxious or tired you become, remain patient. Always redirect a toddler when they get into trouble, and don’t take your fatigue or stress out on the child. Be firm, with short commands such as “no biting!” and then redirect them to another area or activity.

The first and last few months of pregnancy while having a toddler under foot, are going to be the most difficult. The first few especially if you have morning sickness. The last few because you’ll be tired and feeling cumbersome and uncomfortable. Just remember to ask for help, communicate your needs to your partner and above all else, stay patient and enjoy both your toddler and your pregnancy.

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