A User Friendly Guide to Novelty Maternity T-Shirts

Baby Love

Baby on the Way!

Common text for novelty maternity t-shirts for the dad-to-be

The Impregnator

Don’t Touch Her Belly

Soon to be a Dad


Photo Credit: Flickr.com - Tarabrown's photostream

Announcing a Pregnancy with Maternity T-Shirts

Novelty maternity t-shirts are a fun way to not only
announce the pregnancy but celebrate the new life with family and friends
during a baby shower, at an office party, or they can even be used to tease
someone. Most women can’t wait to wear novelty maternity t-shirts that announce
to the world that she is expecting a baby. Sometimes the t-shirt announces the
sex of the baby and sometimes it is used to declare the due date and baby-to-be
name. No matter how you plan on buying or using a novelty maternity t-shirt,
they are sure to be met with smiles and well wishes.

Let us know if you have a favorite maternity t-shirt saying.

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