Newborn Care Tips: What Every New Parent Needs to Know

Newborns cry to communicate their needs. When all their basic needs are met it can be confusing for parents to figure out what the problem is. Use a mental checklist when trying to figure out why your newborn is crying. Here is an example.

  • Hungry
  • Dirty Diaper
  • Tired
  • Cold/Hot
  • Gassy
  • Bored
  • Overstimulated

Calm Your Newborn

Calming your newborn can be tough but not impossible. First try rocking or swaying  with your baby cradled in your arms. Some babies love music and adding soft tune or lullaby can ease the crankiest newborn.

Many babies calm instantly when they are put in the bath. If your newborn is old enough to bathe, try giving a short warm bath. Be sure to keep him warm as the cold may only intensify their discontent.

Find a good source of white noise. Before investing in a fancy noise machine explore your home. Many babies enjoy the sound of a fan or washing machine. Another noise many babies enjoy is the vacuum cleaner.  Believe it or not the vacuum may even help your child fall asleep.

Often your newborn just wants to be held. There is never harm in holding your baby and this may be just what he needs.

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