New Baby Checklist: Diaper Bag
A diaper bag provides an easy way to carry all the essential items a newborn needs, including diapers, bottles, pacifiers and a change of clothes. Diaper bags are also very helpful for carrying adult items when traveling with a newborn and should be at the top of every new baby checklist.
New Baby Checklist: Baby Swing
A swing serves two purposes for new parents. The first one is keeping a baby soothed and happy, or used as a method to calm down a fussy newborn. The second purpose is to keep a baby occupied and safe while the parents tend to other household tasks, eat, watch television, or simply take a break. A swing should be near the top of a new baby checklist.

Having a baby is a big life change requiring a great deal of adjustment. By having a new baby checklist, expectant parents can ease into their new roles and spend more time loving their bundle of joy.