The Most Important Baby-Proofing Advice for You and Baby

Invite the mom of a little one over to check out your place – Mother knows best. Let her do a once-over of your home to call things to your attention that you might not have given thought to. For us, it was the coffee table. I hadn’t thought about bumped heads yet and as newbies, we had no idea that they sell safety guards for furniture!

Don’t get frustrated – Do we love having hooks on every single cabinet door in our house? NO. But we know (after having them installed for 8 years now) that it’s not worth the risk of little hands getting into places they shouldn’t be. My 60-year-old father still hasn’t figured out our baby gate. It drives him crazy!

Don’t underestimate your baby – If it’s possible to explore, your baby will attempt it. Cabinets, doors, toilets, refrigerators – they’ll get into anything and everything.

One last tip: Once you’ve installed the baby gate, you should also remember to actually CLOSE it. Open baby gates = kid falling down the stairs…or so I’ve heard.

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