Never to Early for a Preschool Search

Preschool Search: It’s Not Too Soon

The thought of sending your child to preschool or nursery school can fill you with a mixture of emotions. You might feel excited for your little one to start school, and you might feel anxious over what will happen when you are not around. If you know you will send your son or daughter to preschool, start thinking now about your options. The more popular schools can have wait lists of as long as a year.


The easiest way to find a preschool or nursery school is to ask other parents. You can also look through your local phone directory and search online. Contact your school district to see if they offer preschools or nursery schools or if they have recommendations. If you attend a church, does it offer preschool programs?

Schedule Tours

Once you have a list of schools, develop a checklist of qualities that are most important to you: religious affiliation, cost, student-to-teacher ratio, etc. Search for reviews of the school online.

After you have narrowed the list, schedule tours of the ones you are interested in. The staff member who answers the phone should be friendly and helpful. Set up a time when classes are in session, so you can get a feel for how the teachers interact with students and if they seem engaged and happy.When you arrive at the school, take note of the general atmosphere, as well as the cleanliness.

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