How Infertility Issues Impact a Woman’s Career

Because IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies can be expensive to go through, losing a job would be a devastating blow.

Depressed women who are dealing with infertility issues should consult a mental health professional to discuss their emotions. Sometimes, pharmacotherapy and medications may be necessary to help the woman cope. Psychotherapy may also be helpful.

Infertility and Career

Fortunately, two-thirds of couples that are treated for infertility can become pregnant and have babies.

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Further Reading:

Human Reproduction Update, Vol 13, No.1, pp. 27-36, 2007. “Women’s emotional adjustment to IVF: a systematic review of 25 years of research.”

MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health. “Stress, Depression, and Anxiety Associated with Infertility and its Treatment.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART).

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