Get Going Without the Gym ““ Ways to Exercise with Baby

If you’re like many new mothers, you likely anticipated a delayed return to the gym post-partum. However, like many new mothers, you are probably finding that your delayed return is due, not to lack of motivation or physical issues ““ but by the realization that you can’t go during the week without daycare. Many gyms offer daycare services for as little as $10 each month, but typically do not take children under six months of age. Don’t let this sideline your health and post-partum weight loss ““ there are lots of ways to exercise with baby ““ outside of the gym ““ to get back to your pre-baby weight.

Ways to Exercise With Baby

Stollercize ““ Bond and exercise with baby while enjoying some fresh air ““ get some exercise with baby by hitting the pavement. Walking, even without a stroller, is a great way to improve heart health and overall fitness ““ but add in the weight of the stroller and your little one and you’ll get the added benefit of extra toning to your abdominal muscles and an accelerated calorie burn.

learn how to exercise with baby

According to a recent study conducted by the Exercise and Health Program at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, calorie burn when walking with a stroller at 3 mph was 18 percent higher, on average, than walking without a stroller. At a slightly faster pace ““ 3.5 mph ““ the calorie burn was 20 percent higher.As with any exercise, the calories that you burn vary with your weight; when walking with a stroller for 60 minutes, a 150-lb woman burns 300 calories.

Baby Wearing ““ Wearing your baby is a great way to be productive while keeping your little one close and burning some calories while you’re at it. There are a variety of options out there including formed carriers, such as the Ergo, or wraps, such as the K’Tan

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