You Too Can Find Quality Daycare
Finding daycare for multiples can be tricky. While some providers are uncertain about the challenges of taking on multiples and may refuse, the cost alone can be prohibitive. So what is a mom of multiples to do when she goes back to work?
There are several different options for childcare, and the one you choose will have to fit into your schedule, budget and comfort level. Start the process early; many parents of single children report beginning to research daycare providers up to 6 months before they return to work. Given that parents of multiples have other challenges, it might be advantageous to start even before that. Having your childcare situation in place will help you enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and make returning to work less stressful.

1) Traditional Day Care
Daycare centers are often larger facilities that care for many children of different ages. The kids will be broken into smaller classes of the same age group. These can be expensive, averaging around $600 per month, per child. While the price may decrease slightly if you are enrolling multiple children, the total cost will likely be quite high depending on the number of children you have.
2) Nanny
Having a nanny or babysitter come into the house to watch your children is also an option. There are many ways you can find a nanny; either someone you know gives you a recommendation or you can check out an agency that has rosters of available childcare providers. You can also try to post ads and hire someone privately. However you find your nanny, check out her references and set up an interview for her to come spend time with your children. See how she interacts with them and ask whether she has experience with multiples. Above all, be sure that you feel comfortable with her before you make a final decision.