To avoid confusion as to what is safe and what is not, the American Association of Pediatrics has said bare is best. Bumpers have been linked to suffocation and strangulation deaths.
Instead of using a blanket, which can cover a baby’s face at night, use a sleeper or sleep sack. These products are designed for baby to wear and are a safer alternative to a loose blanket in a crib.

Be sure to purchase a firm mattress that is not too soft. A soft surface can be deadly for an infant. If a baby somehow winds up face down, they do not have the muscle strength to roll, or lift their head in order to uncover their face.
Also, once your baby is learning to stand and pull up on furniture, this means the mattress should be moved to the lowest setting. Your baby might climb up and fall out causing serious injury or broken bones.
Make sure your baby’s sleeping space is safe. It is always better safe than sorry! Thank-you for reading this post. Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.