Is There A Correlation Between Premature Birth And ADHD?

While the study did show that there is a direct link between premature birth and ADHD, the overall risk is still low. The results concluded that approximately 1 percent of boys and less than .3 percent of girls were prescribed a stimulant medication. During the course of the study, it was noted that many of the children who were prescribed stimulant medications had been carried to term. There is a risk for children developing ADHD regardless of the time they were born.

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Goodman , B. (2011, April 18). Adhd linked to preterm birth. Retrieved from

Brauser, D. . (2011, April 18). Preterm birth increases adhd risk . Retrieved from

Lindstrom, K. , Lindblad, F., & Hjern, A. (2011). Preterm birth and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in schoolchildren. Pediatrics, Retrieved from doi: 10.1542

Adhd in children. (2011, February 10). Retrieved from

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