“SIDS actually increases from overheating in the wintertime,” Marcum says.
The lightweight fabric allows you to feel your baby better and get her positioned to soothe her to sleep. Marcum says Solana Swaddle Wraps are different from other swaddling products, which are designed to only swaddle. Solana wraps are large blankets. She often hears from moms who use them for a variety of reasons, including to cover the baby in a car seat and to place the baby on during tummy time.

“I get a lot of moms who are actually even beyond swaddling and send me pictures of their little ones [showing] that it’s still their favorite blanket,” Marcum says. “It’s a multi-use product and a year-round product.”
Solana Swaddle Wraps range in price from $19.95 for the starter two-pack up to $35.95 for the organic wraps.