Your Pregnancy

Is it safe to travel while pregnant?

Holiday Travel: Is it Safe When Pregnant?

A spring or summer due date may complicate your holiday travel plans this December, but don't cancel your trip just yet. Consider the research and your options. When deciding to travel, experts recommend always consulting  Read Full Article...

Woman breastfeeding

Breastfeeding in Public: Know Your Rights

While exploring the city with her toddler son and infant daughter, Audrey needed to nurse. She found a spot out of the sun and began discreetly nursing her baby. Two women sitting in the same  Read Full Article...

Baby learning to walk

When Will My Baby Walk?

Not all babies begin to walk at 12 months so don't worry if your little one isn't mobile on his feet just yet, instead pay more attention to important pre-walking movements and indicators. When should  Read Full Article...

Are You Mentally Prepared for Parenthood?

It would be great if there was a standardized preparedness test potential parents could take before conceiving since having a baby is a joyous time but also mentally taxing. The guide below will help you  Read Full Article...

Can I sleep on my back while pregnant?

Does Sleeping on My Back Hurt the Baby?

It's a common pregnancy myth that sleeping on your back hurts the baby, but in reality, it's more uncomfortable for you than it is dangerous. Still, that doesn't mean it is the most optimal sleep  Read Full Article...

Anemia During Pregnancy: Treatment and Types

In optimal health, blood is transported throughout the body to deliver oxygen, vitamins, hormones and more to the cells. The blood also removes wastes and carbon dioxide, but when the body is anemic, there aren't  Read Full Article...

Ovulation Symptoms Regarding Your Cervical Mucus

Unsure if You’re Experiencing Ovulation Symptoms? Monitor Your Cervical Mucus

Many women rely on charting their menstrual cycles and checking basal body temperature to as one of the tell-tale ovulation symptoms, but do you know how to monitor your cervical mucus? Cervical mucus changes in  Read Full Article...

Discover the best childbirth positions

Don’t Lay Down – Try These Childbirth Positions

When I took my childbirth class, I was surprised how different childbirth positions can help make labor  easier. I guess I just assumed I would spend much of my labor on my back, as is  Read Full Article...

Delay Cord Cutting for Baby’s Health, Study Says

In many Western hospitals, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut within the first minute of birth. This is too soon, according to new research published in the British Medical Journal. Researchers recommend delaying clamping  Read Full Article...