Teething Comes to all Babies
Teething is inevitable. Some babies get through this process with little to no discomfort and some have major pain. While it is hard to tell what is ailing a baby that cannot talk, knowing teething basics will help prepare any parent. The primary teeth begin to erupt around 6 months of age, with eruption completed by 24 to 36 months. Remember that all children are different and teething can happen at a different pace for each baby.

Teething Symptoms
- increased biting
- drooling
- gum rubbing
- sucking
- irritability
- wakefulness
- ear rubbing
- facial rash
- decreased appetite for solid foods
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the safest recommended way to soothe baby while teething is the use of cold items because the cold acts as an anesthetic for the gums. Refrigerated teething rings, pacifiers, spoons, clean wet washcloths, and frozen bagels or bananas are all good choices.
Of course use extra caution when giving your baby frozen food as it will melt and possibly be bitten off into pieces. This can cause a choking hazard. If your child is extremely uncomfortable, acetaminophen or ibuprofen in an infant dosage may be given. Consult you doctor for the proper dose.
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