Infertility Issues Apply to Both Sexes
It takes an egg and a sperm to make a baby, but infertility issues can be found in either the man or the woman. Historically, it was always the fault of the woman if she failed to conceive. Modern medicine has, however, shown that a man is as capable of being infertile as a woman. There are many things that may cause a man to become infertile; here is a look at some of the main causes of male infertility.

Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use
Smoking and excessive drinking or drug use can all lead to a low sperm count in the man. Having a low sperm count is the most common of all male infertility issues. With radical lifestyle changes, sometimes the sperm count can return to normal. In other men, the damage has become permanent.
Environmental Toxins
Exposure to environmental toxins such as lead and pesticides can interfere with a man’s fertility. BPA (bisphenol A) is a recognized hormone disrupter. It can be found in food cans and plastics. This chemical has been linked with low sperm counts. Benzene is another chemical that has been linked to male infertility. Benzene can be found in some paints, nail polish and hair products.
Sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus and syphilis can all lead not only to infertility, but also to sterility. Other diseases such as cancer and kidney disease can affect a man’s fertility. Cancers related to the male genitals may cause sterility, but chemotherapy and radiation treatments can also affect sperm production. Radiation treatments close to the testicles will be more damaging to the sperm, and may sometimes cause sterility.
Sperm Delivery Issues
Genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis, premature ejaculation, or blockage in the testicles can all also cause infertility. In some cases, this form of infertility may be treatable, but in others it is not.
Exposure to Heat
Exposure to heat and heat sources such as saunas, hot tubs and even tight fitting undergarments can, over time, cause a reduction in sperm (low sperm count). Anything that causes a prolonged rise in a man’s core body temperature can affect the production of sperm.