“If you’re craving salty and sour, you’re having a boy. If you’re craving sweets, you’re having a girl.” – Perhaps there is a little truth to this one as far as I was concerned. I craved frozen chocolate bars when I was pregnant with my daughter and chips and dip when I was pregnant with my first son. I’m still chalking this up to coincidence.
I Never Believed the Tales…

Although I didn’t believe in these old wives tales at all, some people really do think they work. For instance, a friend of mine swears by the “ring swing.” To do this, have the mom-to-be take off her wedding ring and put it on a string. Ask her to lay down and hold the string over her belly. If it swings side-to-side, she’s having a girl. If it goes in a circle, it’s a boy. She promises that it works every time!
I agree though that old wives tales are a fun way to try to find out what gender baby you’re having, but if you really want to know the best way is to see it for yourself in an ultrasound.
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