You Know what Gender My Baby will be?
During my three pregnancies, everyone was very quick to tell me what gender baby I was having. No, they weren’t doctors or ultrasound technicians. They were people like you and me…judging by an old wives tale they swear is the ticket to predicting whether your baby will be a boy or girl.

Looking back, I have no idea whether anyone was right. I had so many people offering me conflicting predictions that I couldn’t even keep them straight. Therefore, I never put much thought into using old wives tales for predicting whether I was having a boy or girl.
Old Wives Tales Be Gone!
In our day and age, when many mothers-to-be DO want to find out the gender of their baby, our sonogram serves that purpose leaving us with little use for those old wives tales. However, for parents that want to wait until the baby is born to find out the gender, these methods prove to be fun and give them something to look forward to.
Here are a few of the things I was told when I was pregnant:
“Oh, you’re carrying high, it must be a girl.” – By taking a look at where my baby-belly was situated, some people swore they knew what gender baby I was having. The best part was that some people thought I was carrying high during the same pregnancy that others thought I was carrying low. Hmmm. During my second and third pregnancies I looked exactly the same. I had a girl and a boy. No difference in my appearance at all!
“You look great. You must be having a boy because girls take away their mommy’s beauty.” ““ I had no idea that there is an old wives tale that says that a baby girl takes away her mother’s good looks. This was definitely not the case for me! I looked absolutely horrible during my pregnancy with my oldest son. I was swollen, my face looked purple and I had a really, REALLY bad haircut (OK, I know that last part is my hairdresser’s fault, but I still feel bad blaming her). And furthermore, I think I looked pretty great, given the fact that I was pregnant, with my daughter and second son. I’m not buying this old wives tale.
“If you have morning sickness, it must be a girl.” ““ Wrong again. I was sick all three times – exactly the same kind of sick for the exact same amount of time. By the way, there is no scientific proof that gender has any bearing on the kind or frequency of a mother’s morning sickness.