The Preggers Halloween
I’ve taken some time to peruse the web as well as hit up my friends that found themselves quite preggers when Halloween rolled around to amass a fun list of costume ideas for those of you that don’t want to be left out of the festivities just because you’ve got a bun in the oven!

1) Pregnant beauty queen
Why not be a clever little preggo and dress up as Miss Conception… It’s easy, don a flouncy pageant dress””scour your local thrift shops for one that accommodates your bump, a tiara and sash that reads “Miss Conception”. Voila!
2) Mummy to be
Such a cute play on words as well, and quite simple to do, wrap and wrap and wrap yourself some more with strips of white fabric from head to toe, making certain you accent your beautiful belly. Wouldn’t hurt to craft a name tag, plaque or sign reading “Mummy to Be”.
3) Carrying a pumpkin
Cut out a baby bump-sized hole in any old shirt and put it on. Next, deck your pregnant tummy out with a Jack ‘O Lantern grin or a freshly harvested pumpkin. Wear whatever you like on the bottom, just be certain to hold your stomach as if you were actually carrying a pumpkin throughout whatever Halloween festivities you’re taking part in. Simple. Hilarious.
4) Your favorite pregnant celebrity