To comfort and soothe a baby’s cold, try these suggestions:
- Increase Liquids – If your baby is still nursing, offer the breast as often as possible. This will ensure your baby is drinking enough fluids. Fluids help thin mucus and prevent congestion. For older babies, ask your pediatrician if water or juice is suitable to offer. Avoid high-sugar juices as they can irritate an already cranky baby’s system.
- Keep Mucus Moist – While this sounds unpleasant, it is important to keep nasal passages from drying out. Using a basic saline solution, squirt this is each of your baby’s nostrils as often as needed. This will keep things moist as well as keep the mucus flowing. Be careful when using a syringe to remove mucus as it can irritate the inside of the nose and make things worse.
- Humidify – Another way to keep your child’s nasal passages moist is by using a cool mist humidifier. Run this during the night while sleeping to prevent hardening of mucus. Another great option is to sit your baby in the bathroom and run the shower. This creates a personal steam room and will help alleviate stuffiness, congestion and even a stubborn cough.
- Elevate the Head – This may be tricky with a squirmy baby, but propping up the end of the crib’s mattress can ease discomfort at night. Instead of creating pressure and interfering with sleep, the mucus will run out and allow your baby to breath better.
Not only will baby benefit from following these steps, but the entire family can utilize these soothing techniques. If a cold persists, always check with your doctor.

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