Look for flexibility and perks
Maybe you are in college and know you want to have children someday. Or maybe you are thinking about a second career now that you have a child or are expecting one. So the question is … what are the best careers for moms? No job is perfect, but these three careers stand out for a variety of reasons. Note: This is not a complete list just a few that caught our eye.

Registered Nurse
This is one of thetop growing fields in this country, according to one source. As baby boomers age, nurses will be in demand. And being in demand, you have more bargaining power than most other occupations. Because many nursing jobs are 24-7, you can find a schedule that works with your family. For example: Many health care facilities consider three 12-hour shifts to be full time, which means you earn benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Weekend options””typically two 12-hour shifts””get weekend pay plus health insurance. The downside is you won’t see your children on the weekends, but your week days will be free for volunteering in their classrooms, running errands and caring for them when they are sick.
Freelance Writer
Talk about flexible careers for moms! Freelance writers get paid well compared to full-time staff writers. Set your own hours, bring your laptop to the park and write while your little ones play on the slides. You are your own boss, and if you have a sick kid, you don’t have to rush to find a sitter. Another upside: You can be creative, witty and clever all while your little ones nap. Unfortunately, few of these jobs offer health insurance and benefits.
K-12 Teacher
Being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world. But, there are some advantages! You will most likely have the same summer and holiday breaks as your children. You won’t scramble to find a sitter on a snow day. A frequently overlooked bonus: As a teacher, you have access to an ocean of educational resources that most parents do not have. If your children attend the school at which you teach, you have the hidden perk of keeping an eye on your children. Your kids won’t be able to get away with anything!