Dads Space
This site focuses solely on the issues faced by teen dads-to-be and how they relate to teen pregnancy. There are many articles that discuss a dad’s rights during teen pregnancy, including abortion, adoption and parenting/custody issues.
This is a site that will provide referrals to anyone who is pregnant and in crisis. There is a live chat option and a directory that provides a list of pregnancy centers based on where you live. In addition to the sites/articles listed above, there are many resources that a family facing teenage pregnancy can utilize. The family pediatrician or doctor, school guidance counselor or church can all provide local resources or other situation specific information and help. Don’t be afraid to get in touch with a counselor or therapist as well. Whatever choice you make, quite likely there will be changes within the family that need to be addressed. Seeing a family therapist can ensure that everyone is communicating appropriately and able to properly support each other. They can also help the family come up with a plan provide the information necessary to enforce it.

Teenage pregnancy is an incredibly difficult decision for everyone involved. Reaching out to qualified organizations and support systems instead of keeping it a secret can make the situation much easier for you, your partner and your family to manage your teenage pregnancy. Good luck!
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