3) False labor pains are also a good trail run for an anxious mother-to-be. While the inexperienced mother may have difficulty distinguishing between real and false labor, there is no doubt that she’ll recognize the real contractions when they occur. In the meantime, these false labor contractions give her a milder experience of the real thing.
4) False labor pains also offer a great chance to practice breathing techniques for the real thing. First-time mothers can also use the false contractions to practice counting the duration of each contraction as well as the time between them. This will be useful information to the doctor when the woman actually does go into labor.

While false labor may seem like an inconvenience, it does serve an actual purpose. Braxton-Hicks contractions allow the woman to prepare physically and mentally for the onset of real labor pains. As a bonus, false labor contractions can also reduce the length of real labor. So, the next time you feel false labor pains, relax and let your body prepare for the big day.
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