What to Wear During Gestation
In addition to all the other questions expecting mothers have, most new mothers-to-be have maternity wear questions. What to wear, when to wear them, how long to wear them and where to buy the maternity clothes are just some of the myriad questions that newly pregnant women ask. Here are some guilt-free answers for any maternity wear questions you may have.

There’s no specific time that you need to start wearing maternity clothes; just watch your body. When your normal clothes begin feeling too tight for comfort, then you know it’s time to go shopping for maternity clothes.
What to Wear
Deciding what kinds of maternity clothes to buy depends on your situation. If you’re working in an environment where dressy clothes are expected, then you should buy a maternity suit. Maternity suit jackets can be paired with a variety of pants and skirts for coordinated looks. Maternity shirts and blouses are cut to cover expanding bellies, and pants have some form of expandable waist.
What Size Clothes to Buy
Unless you’re gaining weight everywhere, just buy the maternity clothes in whatever your normal size is. The maternity clothes are cut to fit expanding bellies and chests. If you want to be sure you don’t have to buy more maternity clothes, as you get further along, buy them one size larger than your normal size, just to be safe.
Where to Buy Maternity Clothes
Maternity clothes can be purchased at a variety of places, both online and at stores. Most department stores have a maternity section, and there are some stores that specialize in maternity clothes. If you’re on a budget you can shop for used clothes on auction sites, or you can buy them from online stores.