Time for Making Those Final Baby Preparations
It is hard to imagine that at some point the pregnancy will draw to an end and that soon you will run out of time for making those final baby preparations. The day of your baby’s birth will arrive and you will finally meet your little one and discover what color the hair and eyes are or whose nose Jr. has. Those last few weeks of pregnancy can be filled with doctor appointments, last minute purchases for the baby’s room and nervous questions that need to be answered. Every pregnant woman experiences “nesting” in one way or another as the third trimester winds down. Someone is always offering advice and helpful suggestions for everything baby including what to name your child, how to stock the nursery or what baby products are really needed for a tiny newborn. It can be comforting to discover that preparing for baby can be less stressful with a few helpful guidelines.
Pregnancy is all about preparations as your body stretches and changes to make room for another new human to develop, grow, and enter the world. Deciding how to furnish the baby’s room, how many diapers to buy or what equipment is needed for bathing, sleeping, feeding and transporting your newborn baby is as easy as looking at what a baby needs and planning to meet those needs in the simplest and loving manner. Safety is certainly always a factor as well as the household budget. Breaking down each area of a newborn’s life can help you to decide what items are needed now and which items can wait until the baby is older. You will discover that some items are a necessity and other items are luxuries that are more wants than needs. Babies pretty much sleep, eat and mess in their diapers so providing for these occurrences as well as meeting the need for cleanliness pretty much gets you started on the right path for making those final baby preparations.

A Bringing Home Your Baby Preparation List
In no particular order are the items most seasoned moms suggest that new moms or moms-to-be have on hand when bringing home baby:
Boppy Feeding and Infant support pillow
Nursing or bottle-feeding equipment
A baby sling
Spit up (burp) cloths
Baby infant car seat
Side-tie or side-snap T-shirts
Receiving blankets to wrap the baby like a burrito
Sleepwear such as kimonos or gown (at least 2 or 3)
Formula (if not breastfeeding)
Sweaters, bunting or snowsuit depending on the weather
First aid and illness supplies like baby thermometers and other items your pediatrician can suggest you purchase