- Feeding him when he shows signs of needing to be fed. Crying is actually a late sign of this need and should be avoided.
- Staying close to your baby, and accepting that sleeping and settling is often more comfortable and rewarding for her if she is not expected to be alone for long periods.
- Looking at him, talking to him, playing with him, but taking your lead from his cues (so not insisting on eye-to-eye contact if your baby turns his face away, not continuing with a game when he shows he’s had enough).
- Understanding that when he’s still young, he copes best if only one or two special people are involved in his care, most of the time.
Teaching your baby that they have an important part of the world with these simple steps, will lead to an emotionally healthy child and ultimately emotionally stable adult. There is no right way of parenting so ensuring you meet your baby’s emotional needs is important. This only helps decrease any anxiety or fears your baby may have.

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