Many of my friends have had to work very hard at becoming pregnant, employing many different methods to make sure they were trying on the right days. One watched the calendar religiously to make sure she and her husband were going to be home and free of distractions on the dates that she was ovulating. Another took her basal body temperature, which can tell a woman’s when her best time to conceive will be based on a slight rise in temperature.
I’m fortunate in that I don’t have any firsthand experience with stress and trying to conceive, but one of my very best friends does. She tried for over two years to become pregnant with her first child and she was exhausted with the task of the entire process. Admittedly, she’s a high-strung person anyway and doesn’t deal well with stress. And trying to conceive on top of that was putting her over the edge. It wasn’t until she was convinced to just let nature take its course that she finally became pregnant. She had a very normal pregnancy and a healthy baby girl. She and her husband are trying again right now. This time she completely believes that it was the stress that she was experiencing that was keeping her from becoming pregnant and is now enjoying this very special time with her husband this time around.

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