Ask for Help!
Perhaps my best advice for dealing with sleep deprivation is to ask for help. After I had my first baby, my best friend came to stay with me for a few days. She refused to let me get the baby back to sleep after I’d fed him. She’d wake up and take him from me, send me back to bed and rock him herself.

So if you’re tired, just ask for help. All those friends who say “let me know if you need anything”? Take them up on that offer! “Yes, I actually do need something. It’s called sleep. How about coming over here tomorrow afternoon to sit with this baby for 2 hours?” Speaking from experience, they’ll do it.
The limited amount of sleep you are able to get in the months after having a baby eventually gets better. But it really does help having a plan for dealing with newborn induced sleep deprivation. With a little strategy you can more easily manage this crazy time.
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