William Sears, Pediatrician and Author of The Baby Sleep Book
Dr. Sears is not your average or traditional pediatrician. His methods are supportive of co-sleeping, rocking and nursing your baby to sleep, and other forms of physical closeness. He believes this helps create positive sleep associations now and healthy sleep habits down the road. His recommendations are not for all parents. He believes that a baby will sleep when it is their time and reasons for waking through the night are instinctual.

Elizabeth Pantley, Parent educator and Author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution
Elizabeth Pantley has a much lengthier process than other sleep experts, but has also taught many parents how to avoid the tears for their baby at bedtime. She believes in the same techniques as Dr. Sears as far as rocking, nursing and connecting physically. Keeping a journal of nighttime activity is key to her approach and helps both parents gradually teach baby how to sleep through the night.
Both of these methods require a large amount of nighttime parenting. Patience and dedication will help get you through the night. After reading both books try combining techniques that work for your family. Soon the whole family will be well-rested. Just remember to do what is best for your six-month-old baby.
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