6 Quick and Easy Tips to do when Preparing for Sonogram (Ultrasound)

4.  Think about whom you want there ““ Having a baby is a joyous occasion and many moms would like to invite people other than just their partner. If you’d also like another family member or friend to be present, ask if there is a limited number of people allowed.

5.  Prepare for the big brother or sister ““ Inviting an older child to the sonogram is a wonderful way to include them in your pregnancy or sometimes we just don’t have another person to care for our other children while we’re getting the sonogram. Just make sure to ask the facility if children are allowed.

6.  Have something to eat ““ Some moms swear that their babies were more active during sonograms after they had something sugary to eat. I’m a mom who had a very sleepy baby during an ultrasound. When the baby doesn’t move around on her own, the ultrasound technician will have to poke and prod at your belly more than usual to get all of the shots that she needs to do a thorough job. And of course, if you’re hoping to find out the gender of the baby you REALLY want the baby to be moving around so you can get the “money shot.”

Following a few quick tips for preparing for a sonogram will make the experience easier for both you and the person performing it. What tips would YOU add to this list?  Please feel free to leave your tips in the comment section below!


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