Your Baby is Already Six Months Old!
Before you know it, your baby will be six months old. This is a very exciting time for you child and everyone in the family. As if your baby has suddenly become very aware of the world around her, she will start to do so much more.
The American Association of Pediatrics have defined rather specific milestones that babies should meet by certain ages. At each well visit you and your baby attend, the pediatrician will ask whether or not your child can complete certain tasks. While sounding strange, the different milestones signify very important growth. Areas such as fine and gross motor skills are measured on devlopmental milestones and can help track a baby’s progress or delay.

The Six Month Markers
At six months babies become very interactive and social. While being able to see more, their physical movements also become more noticeable and exciting! A few things most six months old can do are as follows:
- Rolls Over
- Sits up
- Passes a toy from one hand to another
- Will rake hand at an object
Other areas of development that also mature around this age are in cognitive and social areas. Your baby will become more interested in what is going on around her and will possibly try to interact. Here are some examples:
- Babbles cheerfully
- Responds to name
- Enjoys social play
- Likes seeing self in a mirror
A six month old baby’s milestones are usually a lot of fun for the whole family to experience as the infant stage appears to fade. While the newborn phase of baby life has come to an end, a six month old spends a lot more time awake and ready to play. Keeping your baby will become more of a challenge at this point but has many more rewards! The first giggle at a silly song or funny face will make your heart melt and seal the deal of being totally head over heels in love with your baby!
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