Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it, especially if you’re pregnant. For Emily Dickey, pregnant with her second child, the holidays are more difficult to manage.
“Things take longer to get done and that’s just something you have to get used to and accept,” explains Emily. “[When you’re pregnant], you can only do so much at one time because you either become exhausted or your back and feet start hurting.”

So, how does a pregnant mom get everything done? Emily recommends you start shopping early and ask for help.
“You really just have to ask for help when you need it. Hopefully, you have family and friends around that can give you a break. My husband has been amazing through this. He helps with our [2-year-old] son as soon as he’s home from work. He lets me sleep in on the weekends. He does a lot of the cleaning,” Emily said.
As for managing her pregnancy symptoms, Emily has learned to not do as much. She goes to bed at a decent hour, and she has wonderful in-laws to help her out. “My in-laws are amazing . . . They usually watch our son one day each weekend, which helps us get our own things done and gives us some actual time to relax and refresh.”
Make time for yourself
It may seem impossible, but try to find time to relax this holiday season.
“Stop looking for perfect and just enjoy the season,” advises Emma. She handles her holiday stress with “a few spare jars of coffee, hair dye to hide the grayness, a sneaky bottle of wine and a secret stash of chocolate.”
Special thanks:
Emily Dickey – Baby Dickey
Emma White – The Real Supermum
Vivian Kirkfield – Author of “Show Me How! Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem Through Reading, Crafting, and Cooking”