4) Can we still go on vacation?
Yes, though you may need to make a few adjustments in the trips you plan; for example, not planning your month long tour of Italy until your kids are a little older. But there’s no reason why you can’t plan a trip to a beach resort or a relaxed visit to another city. Having realistic expectations of what you can expect from baby, and keeping her on as close to their schedule as possible can all make your trip much more pleasant.
5) Is parenting hard?
Truthfully, parenting is one of the hardest jobs out there. There are no vacation days or sick time off and you are always on duty. But parenting is also one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. There’s no feeling that can compare to the joy you experience hearing your baby say “˜Mama’ or pee in the potty for the first time, or snuggling up to your partner.

6) Do you have any advice for new parents?
Work together! Remember that you are on the same team and working for the same cause ““ a healthy and happy child. There’s no right way to get there or correct way to do it. Recognize that your partner may have different parenting values and compromise when you need to And above all, have fun! The baby/toddler years go by so quickly, and before you know it, baby will be a teen who only wants to hang out with friends. Enjoy!
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