Be careful with medications. Even medications that are safe to take while pregnant, such as decongestants, can raise your blood pressure. Discuss which medications are safe to take with your doctor so that you don’t inadvertently raise your blood pressure.
Have regular prenatal checkups. Following the schedule of prenatal checkups set by your doctor is important not only to monitor the health of the baby but if your blood pressure does start to go up it can be treated immediately.

Get plenty of rest. Rest is very important while you’re pregnant. Not only will it give you the energy to carry the extra weight of the baby but adequate rest will reduce your stress, thereby reducing your blood pressure.
The dangers of hypertension during pregnancy are very real. Fortunately, if it is caught early enough and treated properly there is no reason why you can’t go on to deliver a happy and healthy baby. Always follow your doctor’s directions and never stop or start taking any medications without being directed by your doctor. Also check with your health care provider prior to starting any new exercise program while pregnant.
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High blood pressure during pregnancy: healthy mom, healthy baby. (2009, August 01). Retrieved from
Rodriguez, D. (2009, November 24). Preventing hyptertension during pregnancy. Retrieved from