You’re Pregnant, Now What?
Seeing that little line on your home pregnancy test turn positive is an incredible feeling. From the wonder of being pregnant, to the excitement of meeting your child to the fear of what labor and delivery will bring, there is nothing quite so emotional. Once that test turns positive, you should set up your first pre-natal ob/gyn appointment!
Unless you have serious medical issues, or are experiencing symptoms like heavy bleeding or severe cramping, your first visit won’t be around until around eight weeks. Don’t hesitate to call the office, though, if you are have any questions or discomfort that doesn’t seem right.

Your Prenatal Visits ““ What to Expect
You will see your doctor quite frequently; once every month or so until around 30 weeks, then every two or three weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly after that. This is, of course, assuming a healthy and complication-free pregnancy.
During your first pre-natal visit, your doctor will take a thorough health history, perform routine genetic and medical screening, let you know what to expect throughout your pregnancy and give you the opportunity to ask all the questions you’ve likely thought up.
The Health History and Screening Tests
Your doctor will likely start the appointment by taking a very detailed health history from you. She will want to know about your gynecological history, general medical history, and your partner’s family medical history. Make sure to mention any genetic diseases that run in either you or your partner’s family. You’ll need to let her know about any allergies you have or medication that you are taking as well.
Also very important is your social and occupational history ““ are you routinely exposed to dangerous toxins or radiation? Do you drink or smoke regularly? What about drug use or abuse? Do you have a good support system at home, or are you in an abusive relationship? All of these questions will help your doctor provide the best care possible for you and your baby.