Maternity Fashion is Very Trendy
Maternity fashion is very trendy these days thanks to
celebrities wearing stylish maternity fashion on the red carpet and to movie
premiers. Many of today’s top fashion venues are showcasing maternity fashion using
models that are really pregnant and not just sporting a pregnancy pillow. Many
of the top boutique retailers specializing in maternity wear and maternity
focused accessories, are paying high price for pregnant models to show off
their maternity fashion selections. Retailers such as Liz Lange, and Pea in a
Pod are among these top boutique stores that are leading this trend.
Would You Mind Being Paid as a Maternity Model

How many of you that are currently pregnant wouldn’t mind
being paid to model the latest and coolest maternity fashions for your favorite
maternity boutique? Did you know that to be a maternity fashion model is a
simple process? You do not even need a modeling agency or agent in order to
apply for and be accepted as a maternity fashion model. Simply pick up the
phone, call a boutique or retailer in your area and offer your services to them
as a pregnant woman, who is not afraid to show off your pride and joy (baby
bump). Just be prepared to be transferred from one person to another or to wait
on hold until someone knowledgeable is able to take your call. An agent usually
does this phone work, but hey, you won’t mind keeping the 15-20% commission the
agent usually gets, will you?
Major Department Stores Might be Interested
Did you know that a major department store near you such as
JC Penny’s, H&M, Old Navy, Sears or Wal-Mart might also be interested in
using you for maternity fashion in the next catalog they print? Don’t you just
love to see the new catalogs and wouldn’t it be great to see you on the page
showing off your baby bump surrounded by the latest maternity style?