Also gone are the idle weekend afternoon naps, foot rubs by your partner and sitting around reading books that pinpoint what stage of development your little fetus is in and what food at this point will increase the health of your baby. Instead the weekends are consumed with carting your child off to the children’s museum, eating pizza standing up outside the fridge and reading your child’s homework.
Here are a few tips to help make your second pregnancy just as special as your first:

- Ask your friend or partner to watch your child so you can get a massage or a pedicure. Your feet and muscles will thank you.
- Treat yourself to new maternity clothes. You probably have some left over from your first pregnancy, but it wouldn’t hurt to invest in a few of the latest trends and hot colors.
- Find a gym that offers daycare. Get involved in prenatal yoga, riding a bike or using the treadmill. Just because you are a mommy and have one on the way doesn’t mean you can’t be fabulous and in shape.
- Encourage your child to get excited about becoming a big brother or a big sister. You might not be able to have a baby shower, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan a party. Plan a party that celebrates your child becoming a sibling. It will make him or her feel very special, plus it will give you the chance to eat some yummy cake. It’s a win-win.
- Get your hair done! It is sometimes hard to sneak away to spend time pampering yourself. But, who wants to look like something that came out of a drain in the first pictures of you and your new baby?
- Make a special date for you with your little one. Include her in picking out gear for the new baby, selecting books she thinks the baby would like and make her feel like part of the process. Afterward, take her out for a treat. What child doesn’t like ice cream or a fresh baked cookie?
Use the above tips and you can make this pregnancy just as magical as the first. Share your tips in the comments section on how to make subsequent pregnancies special.
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