_ Nursing bra, or other supportive bra (no underwire) if you aren’t nursing
_ Nursing pads (you’ll still have some leakage, even if you aren’t nursing)
_ Tolietries
_ Extra contacts/glasses
_ Change or money for food
_ Clothes for your partner
_ Phone and charger
For Baby
Most importantly, don’t forget to pack the essential supplies for your new baby! A car seat is an absolute must since most hospitals will not discharge you unless you have it. But don’t forget to bring diapers, wipes, seasonally appropriate clothing, and especially the outfit you picked to bring him/her home in, as well. The hospital will definitely have diapers and wipes, but you won’t want to track down a nurse if you’re out of the hospital supply.

Put your bag together and have it ready to go (either in the trunk of your car or by the front door) by 34 weeks at the latest. Use the above list of packing essentials for your hospital bag to make sure that you don’t have to scramble when you go into labor.
Thank-you for reading this post. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.