Properly Prepare Your Hospital Bag
Packing essentials for your hospital bag is one of the most important things you’ll need to do as you prepare for baby’s arrival. There are many things that you’ll need to bring with you, and since you don’t know when your child is coming (unless you have a planned induction or caesarean) or what the last few weeks of your pregnancy will hold, sooner is definitely better in this case.
For Labor/Delivery
Chances are that you’ve thought about what will make you comfortable during labor and delivery. Is there a certain pillow that you’d like to have with you, clothing that you’d like to wear, or photos/music that will help you focus? Do you have massage lotion or a birthing ball that you will rely on to deal with the discomforts of labor? And of course, don’t forget your camera or video camera! Check out this list of other must haves:

_ Lip balm
_ Lozenges
_ Cord blood collection kit (if applicable)
_ Insurance forms/birth plan
_ Warm, skid free socks so that you don’t slip while walking through the halls
_ Warm robe or sweatshirt (keep in mind that it may get ruined)
_ Ponytail holders/headbands
For Recovery
Typical hospital stays for non-complicated births are usually two days for vaginal delivery, and four days for a caesarean. Staying in the hospital is never fun, but it can help to have a few essential items packed in your hospital bag. Pack loose-fitting clothing (yes, you’ll still need maternity wear for a little bit) that won’t rub against your stomach and you won’t mind if they are ruined. While the hospital may have some supplies for you, don’t forget your own underwear and sanitary pads. And finally, your free time will probably be limited but bring a book or a few magazines for those rare moments. Other items that you’ll need: