Speculation of Beyonce's due date has been swirling for months, and now it seems that the "Countdown" singer may be screaming "Oh baby!" sooner than we thought. Baby Jayonce may be on his or her way, as various media outlets are reporting that the star is in labor as we type.
Media Takeout is reporting that nurses and security at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York City were put on high alert on Tuesday that there would be a "very high profile patient" arriving in the coming hours to give birth.

Hospitals are legally obligated to not reveal the identity of the patient, but two nurses at the facility said that the supposed high-profile person booked half of the floor of the hospital's luxury delivery suite.
ABC News reports that since Media Takeout leaked the information, rumors are running rampant. Ever the private star, Beyonce's rep did not immediately respond to comment. Until there's official confirmation, these are just rumors. However, when Beyonce filmed her "Countdown" video back in September, she revealed she was six months pregnant, leading many to believe that her due date would fall right around now.