Formula Fed Babies at Risk?
The problem can’t be blamed entirely on the poor nutrition we’re feeding our children. Some studies have shown that formula-fed babies that are transitioned to solid foods before they’ve reached 4 months of age have a higher risk of becoming obese. Doctors also suspect that formula-fed babies may be consuming more formula on a daily basis than they really need. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed for at least the first six months.

Other studies have shown that parents who are overweight or obese have a higher chance of their children becoming obese. The old adage, “a pregnant woman eats for two” does not hold true. A pregnant woman should only consume about 500 more calories per day to maintain a healthy weight gain. Another cause of obese babies may be genetic. Hypometabolism, a condition which causes the body to burn fuel more slowly, can be blamed for weight gain in some children.
Chubby Babies aren’t Always Happy Babies
No matter what the cause, an alarming number of parents refuse to accept that their baby may be overweight. Chubby, happy babies are associated with healthy babies, when in fact the opposite may be true. If you think your baby is overweight, please consult your pediatrician. They can tell you how your baby compares with others of their age and length, and they can help you ensure that the baby grows up healthy without weight-related health issues.
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Park, Madison. “How Does a Baby Get to be Obese?.” CNN., 27 June 2011. Web. 21 Oct 2011. <>.