Kangaroo Care: Moms who have had a baby in the NICU recommend Kangaroo Care, also known as skin-to-skin contact. Andrea noticed a difference in her son when she held him close. She said her son “…was the calmest when I held him to me and it also worked to make me feel better about the whole situation.” To practice Kangaroo Care a parent can lay the baby (in only a diaper) on his or her bare chest, and then wrap a shirt or blanket around the baby for warmth. This type of close contact promotes bonding, and research suggests that it helps babies recover faster, as well.
Connect without holding: Even if parents cannot hold their baby yet, they can still touch their baby and talk to him or her. Some moms find it helpful to bring personal items to the hospital and to take home clothing their baby has worn, as a way to feel connected to the baby.

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Spear, M. (2008, June). When your baby’s in the nicu. Retrieved from http://kidshealth.org/parent/system/ill/nicu_caring.html