Cute, flattering & essential empire nursing tank from Motherhood Maternity.
Nursing Styles are Even More Difficult to Come By
Wow, I thought shopping for super chic maternity fashion was a challenge, but now, on the other side and nursing a newborn full time, I’m finding nursing styles are even more difficult to come by. My husband has heard me bitch and moan so much about this that he jokes that he thinks formula companies are paying off clothing companies to refrain from producing fashionable maternity wear so new mommies will throw in the towel on breastfeeding altogether. Ha! No matter, the search has been on as I amass nursing-friendly bras, tanks, tops and dresses. Right now though, I’m consumed with stocking up on tops.

The styles I’ve acquired thus far (all feature relatively easy access when it comes to quickly feeding your ravenous little one and offer a flattering enough fit so you might look good AND feel good while doing it) are on the way basic side, yet are truly Godsends. They include adjustable strap camis with shoulder snaps that allow almost instant access for baby on both sides, perfect for layering. Elastic neckline tanks that literally stretch down enough to feed your wee one, on either side, without losing their shape. And super stretch surplice knit tops that cross over in front, allowing access from either side as well.
Nursing Tops
I’ve noticed additional tops with less obvious (read: perhaps a bit more complicated to figure out and “use”) nursing access that I will no doubt try with time, so stay tuned. I’m hoping to come across a treasure trove of brightly hued and/or gorgeously printed styles. So far, most of what I’ve encountered is quite safe and neutral, which, yes, we all need, but you know me! It’s flashy and fun I’m after.
As always, loveys, do NOT forget to explore your own wardrobe for nursing-friendly fashion””search your closet for all things button front””preferably not fitted, also look for surplice necklines in stretchy knit fabrics. Another option, just perfect for fall and seriously stylish: the poncho! Baby can stow away underneath for a covert feeding.