When to Call the Doctor
If you notice that your child isn’t meeting any of the following milestones, you’ll want to mention it to the doctor at the next appointment.
• Drinking from a cup with help
• Feeding herself small finger foods
• Crawling
• Sitting without support
• Clapping hands or blocks together
• Standing or walking while holding onto furniture
• Using his finger to point or poke
• Picking up items with first finger and thumb

Keep in mind that all children develop at different rates, so don’t be concerned if your child isn’t meeting all of these skills by the one-year mark. But if you see a pattern where you child isn’t meeting any of them, or isn’t making progress in skills already met, it’s definitely worth mentioning to the doctor.
There are many reasons why a child may not be meeting his or her motor milestones. But the good news is that with early intervention and barring any serious physical disabilities, most children will catch up rather quickly.
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Powell, J, & Smith, C.A. (1994). Developmental milestones: a guide for parents the first year . Retrieved from http://www.nncc.org/Child.Dev/mile1.html