And while saltines were my routine for battling morning nausea, the nausea during the day (mostly brought on by smells of food) proved to be a much bigger challenge to combat. I tried everything from ginger tea to sucking on lemon drops. I think these things took my mind off the morning sickness instead of actually helping it, but hey ““ I was willing to try anything.
Nausea Wristbands

Perhaps the most unique thing I tried were seasickness wristbands that my husband brought home for me one night in a very sweet gesture after his coworker swore they worked for her. These little wrist bands are supposed to hit pressure points in your wrist that effect your stomach. They didn’t work for me, but it was sweet nonetheless.
Looking back, I can’t complain. I know women who were so sick all the time while I only battled morning sickness for about 8 weeks each time.
I told you how I survived morning sickness. How did YOU survive morning sickness? Please share your story in the comment section below.